So, being quite newly active on NG, Squidbit linked me to something I would never have found on my own: Tom's IdeaTron. Naturally I thought it was the greatest thing for about three seconds, I later decided that even though it wasn't the greatest after all, I still had to do something with it.
This brings me to the point of this post... I'm starting "Idea Tuesdays." Originally I wanted to call it Terrible Idea Tuesday but that wouldn't have worked out very well.
Also, I've been told I'm good at giving advice, so I'm whoring my [possibly good] advice-giving skills. Feel free to PM me for advice.
My first ever Idea Tuesday was at first going to have a more graffiti-esque style, but that didn't work so well with Paint, so I got inspired by a pic Squidbit found on tumblr a long time ago. Enjoy.
Very nice friend.
Thank you <3